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Latine/x in Private Practice Support Group

Are you a Latine/x psychotherapist or psychologist in private practice AND seeking community and connection?
Whether you are early in your career as an Associate or a long-time Licensed practitioner, you are welcome to join the virtual Latine/x in Private Practice Support Group to receive or provide case consult, share resources, and discuss themes that arise when working in private practice.​
Some topics we've covered include:
Parenting while building your practice
Experiences with services for client sessions, business management, etc.
Sharing resources, such as legal needs and trainings.
​Although we do not provide Supervision hours, we are a collective who aim to share knowledge and provide encouragement and support.
Registration fee: $0
We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST
​To register for 2024 dates, visit our Event Page
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